Who will you vote for in 2012?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mitt Romney - Our Favorite Liberal/Neocon/Progressive

The true leader of our country should be Ron Paul. I am sure that you folks can come up with many more besides the few I have posted here. In all my research and spending hours of time going over his voting record the one true choice: Ron Paul 2012!

Romney has:
1) Met with Obama regarding the healthcare law, but in many recent campaign speeches he has told the public that "Obama should have asked me" He goes on to tell the audiences that he would have told him it was an utter failure and not endorsed it. However, Romney it has been reported completely endorsed the healthcare bill stating, as a way of “expanding coverage to all our citizens.”
2)on several occasions said he was pro-choice and for many many years. However, in 2007 he came out saying, "I will be a pro-life President "Which is it and how can we trust him? Too many questions regarding him.
3)gleened support from several most sought-after uncommitted donors, who have joined Bush administration veterans and other stalwarts of the Republican establishment in backing him as the Republican field settles. This is the elite and the establishment supporting Romney, more of the same that we have had for years.
4) And Mr. Romney has also picked up the support of two Republican financiers who once supported President Obama: Daniel S. Loeb and Clifford S. Asness, both outspoken hedge fund managers who in recent months have sharply criticized the president and his fiscal or regulatory policies. More of the same!
5)Changed his position on Global warming now saying, "we do not know what causes global warming" Which is his position? We do not know. He is a chameleon to the goal of becoming President and we have no idea where he stands on both serious seemingly unimportant issues.
6)been 47th in Job creation, but they report his strong suit is the Economy! 47th out of 50 does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling that this man will create jobs, if he could not do it for his state, how in the world is he going to do it for OUR nation.
7)His background in the world of private equity -- in which he made money even when his clients didn't. He does not seem to mind, he is unethical.
8) lacked the conviction to become President and he lacks a "core". Romney has a lot of trouble with woman voters.
9) been part of the Corporate Elite for a very long time. "After several years of tremendous profits for Romney and his fellow investors, and hardship for the company’s workers, Bain shut down several plants, leaving hundreds of workers without jobs. In the end Bain Capital’s involvement with Ampad forced the company to file for bankruptcy and left over 500 people without jobs." Bain and Ampad are just two companies that have had dealings with Romney. He has been called a "Corporate Raider".
10) not had huge support from the Republican party, they have a "key bloc of Republican voters whose ambivalence has turned the GOP nomination contest into an erratic mix of roller-coaster ride and dating game. They flirted with Donald Trump and then embraced Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) before jumping on and off the Rick Perry bandwagon. At different times they yearned for Govs. Mitch Daniels of Indiana and Chris Christie of New Jersey and, always, some have cast a longing eye in the direction of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.The one point on which they have been most consistent, however, is their resistance to the candidate who has been making his case the longest: former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney."
Someone posted this below, thought it should be in the post:

25 Solid Reasons why Mitt Romney won't win!
1. Obamacare was modeled after RomneyCare in MA
2. As governor he hiked taxes, fees and fines dramatically
3. Romney as governor increased spending by 20% in 2 years!
4. Al Gore praises Romney for being a global warming believer
5. Supports Cap n Trade, a policy that would devastate America
6. As governor came in second to last in the country for job creation
7. Supports TAARP
8. Flooded MA with liberal democrat judges
9. Believes in Amnesty for illegal immigrants
10. Received advice from Obama's Science Czar Holdren on Global Warming and mandatory abortions.
11. Supports limiting the 2nd amendment via gun control legislation
12. Was "more pro choice than Ted Kennedy" before he was prolife, which is/was it?
13. Was for gay marriage before he was for civil partnerships.
14. Set up a 527 committee funded by GEORGE SOROS (puppetmaster)
15. Raised more lobbying funds that the whole GOP combined!
16. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, BOA, JP Morgan, Citigroup, give him more donations than Obama, and don't forget, Banks made more in 2 years under Obama than Bush's whole presidency! Who will he be beholden to? We know that answer!
17. Endorses anti-union laws (middle America won't like this)
18. Working at Bain Capital, he stripped company of their assets, sold them off, and fired workers in masse!
19. Like 2008, his support is capped at 20%
20. Hurts pro-family causes with legislation and appointments
21. Provided Taxpayer-Funded Abortions for copay of $50.
22. Since the bill became law, the state’s total direct health-care spending has increased by a remarkable 52 percent. Medicaid spending has gone from less than $6 billion a year to more the $9 billion. Many consumers have seen double-digit percentage increases in their premiums. Could you or America afford this?
23. Has yet to sign the Susan B. Anthony List pledge to defend life and defund Planned Parenthood nationwide
24. He believes in CORPORATE PERSONHOOD, "corporations are people too"
25. He flip flops so much, shares the same donors and advisors as Obama, he is definitely a RINO, trying to continue what Barack Obama has done to America.

Republican Presidential Primary voters: Test your knowledge of Mitt Romney’s principled

stands on issues important to you. (Answers below)

1. Amending the Massachusetts Constitution to

define marriage as one man and one woman:
A. When running for Governor, Romney

denounced the marriage amendment as

“extreme” and refused to support it.

B. When running for President, Romney supported

the marriage amendment with great enthusiasm.

C. Both A and B.

2. Homosexual Civil Unions:
A. Romney stated that he has never supported

homosexual civil unions.

B. Romney lobbied for a state constitutional

amendment that would create homosexual civil


C. Both A and B.

3. No new taxes pledge:
When asked to sign a “No New Taxes” pledge,

A. Romney signed it and bragged about it in


B. Romney refused to sign it, calling it a “gimmick”.

C. Both A and B.

4. Gun control:
A. Romney said "I don't line up with the NRA. We

do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts. I

support them. I won't chip away at them."

B. Romney said "I have a gun of my own. I go

hunting myself. I'm a member of the NRA and

believe firmly in the right to bear arms.

C. Both A and B.

5. Balancing the Massachusetts state budget

without raising personal income taxes:
A. Romney balanced the budget by raising

corporate taxes by $210 million.

B. Romney balanced the budget by raising fees by

$500 million.

C. Both A and B.

6. Abortion

While campaigning for public office:

A. Romney told voters that he is reliably prochoice.

B. Romney told voters that he is reliably pro-life.

C. Both A and B.

7. Roe v Wade:
A. Romney told voters that Roe v Wade is the law

of the land and he supports it.

B. Romney told voters that Roe v Wade should be

overturned, and he opposes it.

C. Both A and B.

8. Homosexual scout masters in the Boy Scouts:
A. Romney said he supports the Boy Scouts' right

to ban homosexual members and leaders.

B. Romney said he believes the Boy Scouts should

not ban homosexual members or leaders.

C. Both A and B.

9. President Bush’s tax cuts:
A. Romney said he would not support President

Bush’s tax cuts.

B. Romney said President Bush’s tax cuts are

“absolutely critical”.

C. Both A and B.

10. State funding for homosexual programs in

Massachusetts public schools:
A. When pressured by homosexual activists,

Romney allocated money in his state budget for

homosexual programs in the public schools.

B. When pressured by parents, Romney vetoed

money in the state budget for homosexual

programs in the public schools.

C. Both A and B.

11. Gay Youth Pride Day Proclamation in


When asked by the homosexual lobby to sign a

yearly governor’s proclamation declaring an official

“Gay Youth Pride Day” in Massachusetts:

A. Romney appeased the homosexual lobby and

signed it.

B. Romney appeased parents who complained and

didn’t sign it.

C. Both A and B.

12. Research on human embryos:
A. Romney said he opposes research using

“cloned” human embryos.

B. Romney said he supports research using

“surplus” human embryos.

C. Both A and B.

Continued on following page

13. Gays in the military – “Don’t ask, don’t tell”:
A. Romney said that Congress should end the

“don’t ask don’t tell” policy, and require the

military to accept open homosexuals in its ranks.

B. Romney said that the military should be able to

decide for itself whether to accept open

homosexuals in its ranks, and Congress should

stay out of it.

C. Both A and B.

14. ENDA

The “Employment Non-Discrimination Act” (ENDA),

being considered by Congress, would force

businesses to hire open homosexuals despite moral


A. Romney said he supports ENDA and would be a

leading force in getting it passed.

B. Romney said that ENDA is not necessary and

he would oppose it.

C. Both A and B.

15. Ronald Reagan:
A. Romney distanced himself from Ronald Reagan,

saying “I was an independent during the time of

Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to


B. Romney compared himself to Ronald Reagan,

said that Reagan is one of his political heroes,

and that he respects Reagan’s vision and


C. Both A and B.

16. Expanding access to emergency


A. Romney vetoed a bill expanding access to

emergency contraception.

B. Romney told Planned Parenthood he supports

expanding access to emergency contraception.

C. Both A and B.

17. Republican Party Leadership – Romney’s

pledge to build the Massachusetts Republican

A. While Romney was governor, the number of

registered Democrats rose by 30,000 and the

Democrats gained seats in the Legislature.

B. While Romney was governor, the number of

registered Republicans fell by 31,000 and the

Republicans lost seats in the Legislature.

C. Both A and B.

18. Homosexual adoption:

A. Romney said that every child has a right to have

a mother and a father.

B. Romney said that same-sex couples have a

“legitimate interest” in being able to adopt


C. Both A and B.

19. Abstinence-only education:
A. Romney used federal funding to implement

abstinence-only education in public schools.

B. Romney told an abortion group that he would

oppose abstinence-only education in public


C. Both A and B.

20. Being a conservative:
A. Romney said he hopes that “it will be the

moderates of both parties who control the

Senate, not the Jesse Helmses.”

B. Romney said that he considers himself a solid

social conservative.

C. Both A and B.


1-C, 2-C, 3-C, 4-C, 5-C, 6-C, 7-C, 8-C, 9-C, 10-C, 11-C, 12-C, 13-C, 14-C, 15-C, 16-C, 17-C,

18-C, 19-C, 20-C


19-20 – Informed conservative

14-18 – National Review subscriber

8-13 – RINO

0-7 – Pro-Romney blogger

Test compiled by www.MassResistance.org from numerous newspaper and magazine accounts,

speeches, and extensive first-hand observation. For more information, see our website.                                                                                                      

Romney: I Was For The Bailout Before I Was Against It.

Romney: I Was For Abortion Before I Was Against It.

Romney: I Was For Gun Control Before I Was Against It.

Romney: I Was For Amnesty Before I Was Against It.

Romney: I Was Against Reagan Before I Was For Him.

Romney: I Was For Global Warming Before I Was Against It and for it AGAIN.

Romney: etc etc etc etc etc etc etc ............ I'm a Neoconservative!

“I want to make it very clear that I’m not going to raise taxes,” he said in 2007. “As governor of Massachusetts, I made it very clear there, and I did not raise taxes.” But Romney raised fees on everything from marriage lice...nses to home sales to professional registrations and firearms licenses, including a tripling of the fee for a firearm ID card. He quintupled the per gallon delivery fee on gasoline. According to Factcheck.org, Romney raised more than $400 million in fee increases in his first year, along with $150 million in corporate taxes through the closing of “loopholes.” The following year, Romney cut some $230 million in state aid to cities and towns. His claim to be a tax fighter is based less on “fiscal conservatism” than on semantic distinctions among “fees,” “taxes,” “loopholes,” and the ability to shift tax burdens to the local level.

Romney was a supporter of the Brady bill, requiring a five-day waiting period before anyone could buy a handgun. As Governor, he signed into law a ban on assault weapons. “I don’t line up with the NRA,” he said at the time. But when he left the Governor’s office and began plotting his campaign for President, he took out a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association and announced he’d been a hunter all his life — though his lifetime of hunting consisted almost entirely of the time “as a boy, when I worked on a ranch in Idaho, we used to go out shooting rabbits because they were eating all the barley.” And the lifelong hunter said he didn’t own a gun, leading Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi to observe: “Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn’t own.”

While working at BAIN, Romney took over a company (AMPAD) that had $11M in debt and after he got through the company had $400M of debt and had to have massive layoffs. In the end the company collapsed under the weight of its debts and lack of workers. While Romney was governor of Mass., the state ranked 47th of 50 in job creation. Those are spectacular achievements if failure to control debt or create jobs was the goal.

■Think you know Mitt Romney? Take the quiz and see how well you do. http://boycotts4paul.com/MittRomney.pdf
■Who are you, Mitt Romney?
■Latest flip flops:
■The Mitt Romney Deception: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/record/#economic_issues
■Mitt Romney has a truth problem: ".. He can argue any side of a question. And sometimes you think he's really believing his argument, but he's not." - Ann Romney http://youtu.be/JeP5A5cczqk
■Romney asks London hedge funds, bankers for financial support: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/06/27/romney-asks-london-hedge-funds-bankers-for-financial-support/
■Expose Mitt Romney: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expose-Mitt-Romney/136543509743280
■Romney won't sign abortion pledge: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/57256.html
■For Reaganites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pVqZzHm3Z4&feature=player_embedded
■Romney: Federal Reserve is audited and he won't abolish it: http://youtu.be/CCcbkHKCdxI
■Mitt Romney reveals his foreign policy team: wall-to-wall neocons:

Mitt Romney Challenged on Lobbyists http://youtu.be/RW7iOIh-W4k

In 2008, here are his top sources of contributions. So, ... no favors to repay?

Goldman Sachs $234,275

Citigroup Inc $178,200

Merrill Lynch $173,025

Morgan Stanley $170,350

Lehman Brothers $144,100

UBS AG $123,850

Bain Capital $123,150

Mitt Romney - Our Favorite Liberal

http://pardonthepundit.com/?ID=271 "Mitt Romney involved in lurid sex scandal with Mitt Romney" 

Mitt Romney involved in lurid sex scandal with Mitt Romney

9/12/2011 8:00 PM Matt Rock - Unconfirmed reports of Mitt Romney's vile, heinous love affair with Mitt Romney have finally been verified, thanks to special dumpster-diver reporting by PTP's crack team of journalists, and tell-all interviews with anonymous members of Romney's campaign staff. According to these sources, Mitt Romney has been secretly involved in a romantic affair with Mitt Romney for at least the full duration of his campaign, and many believe that this torrid, lustful relationship may have been taking place for as long as several decades.

“He'll sometimes go in the bathroom for 15 minutes to half an hour,” said one anonymous campaign staffer, who may or may not be Romney's campaign manager, but probably is, but might not be. “When people follow him in there to use it afterwards, there are no strange odors, and the only reading material anyone can find is a Lands' End catalog, usually open to images of Mitt Romney. You don't need to be a theoretical physicist, or even a real physicist, to add two and two together.”

“I've never seen anyone so obsessed with their own face,” explained another anonymous campaign staffer, who looks quite a bit like the campaign's communications director, but probably isn't that person. “It's kind of scary, actually. You go into our campaign headquarters, and Mitt's face is plastered on all the walls, on t-shirts, and bumper stickers. People are watching videos of him, and saying his name on telephones... it's the ultimate palace for a narcissist. But I think there's more to it than that. No one goes to that great length if they aren't, you know, intimate with themselves. Then again, he might be a stalker. I can't be sure.”

Some claim the love affair has been going on since well before the campaign. “When Mitt was a teenager, he'd often vanish off in his room for long stretches of time, and if you knocked on his door, he'd sound all panicked and out of breath,” said Romney's cousin, Jon Huntsman, who desperately begged us not to make him anonymous, and claims he's also running for President, allegedly. “We know what he was doing in there. I think it's obvious.”

Rumors persist that in college, Romney would often cross his hands onto his shoulders and bob his head as though he were making out with someone, but according to eye witnesses, he would later reveal that no other person was present, leaving many to speculate that Mitt Romney had managed to somehow makeout with himself. However, Romney has remained silent on all of these allegations, most likely due to the fact that no one has asked him for further comments.

Another Corporate Thief











Audit Federal Reserve


Various subjects


Romney lies











Views of people


Romneycare - His is a Liberal and continues to LIE about this:


Mitt Romney Loves Iran, Sudan, Cigarettes, Other Bad Things

Mitt Romney is rich. So rich that his wealth is estimated to be between $190 million and $250 million. Want to know how he made all that money? Here are some of his current and former investments:
  • An Italian oil company doing business in Iran. (former)
  • A Chinese oil company doing business in Sudan. (current)
  • Philip Morris U.S.A., the world's largest cigarette manufacturer. (current)
  • A half dozen casino companies. (former)
  • Wal-Mart. (current)
There's enough in there to anger both the right and the left, particularly because Evangelicals are getting all worked up about Darfur these days. Mo' money, mo' problems, I guess.

Mitt Romney, and why he’s not good for America.

Mitt Romney is bad for America. I will explain:
The War in Iraq
On his own website (see here), Mitt Romney states that he believes that he “think[s] the surge is the best course we have at this stage.” Mr. Romney then supports this by citing a report by the Brookings Institute, and says that he looks forward to Gen. Patraeus’ report. It is this blogger’s opinion that the war in Iraq is seriously damaging the United States and the rest of the world… let alone the folks in Iraq who’re trying to rebuild their lives.
As a rich man, Romney and his family are rather far removed from the reality of this war–as most of us are (removed from the war, not rich). Mr. Romney, however, makes the big mistake of equating the support for the flawed war with the support for the troops who are being wrongfully abused overseas. This really does nothing but allow this candidate to then turn and say things like galvanize the far-right into claiming that all criticism of the war is anti-American… because you know, that’s bad, and stuff… and nobody thinks you’re cool if you’re anti-American… and it makes you a terrorist and stuff… and it’s just… it’s not good Brian, it’s not good.
The Greater War on “Terror”
Mitt Romney also likes to use words like Jihadists and Islamic Terrorists a lot, and he uses it to describe a wide variety of people. So when Mitt Romney gets to generalizing so many people in so little time, it’s easy to see why he wants to double Gitmo, as he said in a Republican debate on June 5th, 2007. Romney doesn’t want to afford these people any rights either, we just want to hold them indefinitely. I suppose we shouldn’t let the Jihadists out or they might eat a baby or something.
Mitt Romney would also know all of this, because he’s evidently been studying Islam and its factions for a while. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised to find his findings on his website. Mitt Romney finds that “Jihadists are not an ‘armed group of crazed maniacs in the hills of Afghanistan.’ Rather, Romney says the United States is facing a ‘far more sinister and broad-based extremist faction’ with a ‘very 8th century view of the world.’” (as quoted on his website, coincidentally the same as what was aired on ABC News on April 30th of 2007). Not to defend Islamic Terrorists or anything, but I don’t think that Mitt Romney has a firm grasp on the situation. He’s over-simplifying it and its obvious that he just doesn’t really get it. I don’t claim to get it either, but I’m not running for President either. I just have an uncanny knack for detecting bullshit when it’s presented so plainly in front of me.
Healthcare, Social Security, and Taxes
Mitt Romney supports health care… if you provide it for yourself. On July 5th of 2005, Mitt Romney said (according to USA Today and Romney’s own site) “It’s a conservative idea,” says Romney, “insisting that individuals have responsibility for their own health care. I think it appeals to people on both sides of the aisle: insurance for everyone without a tax increase.” I find that a little hard to swallow. Romney wants to tell everybody that they need to pay for their own health insurance.
Well, here’s the problem with that Mitt… according to eHealthInsurance.com, a health care policy for a 25-year-old man, his 23-year-old wife, and his 6-month-old son living in central Illinois, ranges from (USD) $115.00 to $780.00 per month. For the most part it looked like you could find decent insurance for $300 per month without much trouble. The problem here is that according to city-data.com , the per-capita personal income is $32,990.00 per annum. Well, if you take a conservative estimate of 30% taken in taxes (more is taken, trust me), you only bring home $23,093, or $1,924.42 per month. (WARNING: I’m making my own guestimates on some of these) If you throw in a conservative $600 per month, that leaves $1,324.42. Then take out utilities–which are on the rise–at $150 for electric (it is August), $30 for water, $40 for telephone, $30 for trash removal, and then a very conservative $100 per month for gasoline, you have $974.42. Then, go ahead and take out grocery at $250 per month (sounds like a reasonable number to me) and you come down to $724.42. Pull out $200 for a car payment and you get $524.42. Then let’s not forget diapers at (3 diapers a day, 30 days, 90 diapers) $40/month and you get $680.42. Now, if you follow what your teachers told you in school, you’re also putting 10% of your earnings into savings, so that’s $274.42, leaving you with $250. If you then spend $115 on health care you might be able to afford to take your kid to get his shots and still be able to afford your allergy medicines.
Immigration, Culture, and Privacy
Mitt Romney’s policy on immigration is, plainly, disgusting. The call for a mandatory national biometrically-enabled, tamper-proof ID and employment-verification system is an abomination to freedom and privacy of Americans. I understand that Mitt Romney is trying to correct what he sees is a problem, but my freedom and privacy are not and acceptable trade for his immigration policy. Mitt Romney’s position on culture also, according to his site, is founded with the goal of remaining a global super-power. I sure hope that I’m not the only American that thinks that’s a dangerous motivation.
Environment and Energy
Mitt Romney is also stunningly and dangerously incorrect on environmental and energy policy ideas, too. Mitt Romney wants to destroy the Gulf of Mexico by drilling in oil from the outer-continental shelf. He gives a lot of lip service to alternative energy, but he’s spending way too much time talking about finding more oil and not enough time talking about how to reduce our need for the oil in the first place.
Final Opinion
When it all comes down to it, Mitt Romney’s Mormon “family values” and conservative rhetoric are all he really has to offer… and I’m not interested in either of them. Mitt Romney claims that he has a love for freedom, but his ideas on immigration contradict that. He claims that he wants to protect the environment, but his energy policy would result in irreversible destruction to the ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. He claims to respect human life as sacred, but his pro-death-penalty stance (link here) says otherwise.
No matter how many tours his five sons go on or how many “home videos” (produced by highly paid directors and production companies) he releases, nothing will change the fact that Mitt Romney is bad for America, and bad for the world.
Popularity: 18%

Mitt Romney’s Top 5 Flip-Flops

For Mitt Romney, today’s presidential announcement has been years in the making – and for most people, it's about as surprising as a morning sunrise. Since at least the 1990s, Romney has engaged in a calculated and ongoing effort to measure the political winds of the moment and change his positions to meet his immediate needs.
It's hard to find a major political issue on which Mitt Romney hasn't flip-flopped from one side of a debate to the other. Three years ago, this general lack of conviction derailed his 2008 presidential campaign – and today, voters are still rightfully suspicious of a candidate with a decades-long record of saying and doing anything to win their approval.
From the anthology of flip-flops over the past two decades, here are Mitt Romney’s top 5:
5) Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on the Recovery Act:
THEN: Romney: The Democrats Stimulus “Will Accelerate The Timing Of The Start Of The Recovery.” According to the Boston Phoenix, Romney wrote in his book that “A stimulus package ‘was called for’ after the late-2008 economic downturn, and the Democrats’ stimulus ‘will accelerate the timing of the start of the recovery.’” [Boston Phoenix, 2/10/10]
NOW: Romney Called The Stimulus Package A Failure And Said The President Made The Economy Worse.” Romney also said the stimulus package was a failure. ‘The president indicated that his stimulus would hold unemployment to 8 percent, and that if he didn’t pass the stimulus of almost a trillion dollars it would go to 10 percent. Well, we went to 10 percent. So it was a bad miscalculation that’s going to cost the American people a lot.’” [KSL, 12/3/09]
4) Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on TARP:
THEN: Romney Said TARP Was “The Right Thing For The Country” As “We Were On The Precipice” And “It Was A Scary Time For A Lot Of People.” Romney said about McCain voting for TARP, “He said, look, it is very bad politics to be for TARP. On the other hand, it’s the right thing for the country. And that’s why he voted for it. That’s why a lot of Republicans voted for it.” [Cavuto, Fox News, 1/28/10]
NOW: Romney: Shut Down TARP. According to the Detroit News Romney said that as President he’d “Shut down TARP, which bailed out the banking and financial industries. ‘Using it as a feel-good fund is a mistake, and adds additional burdens to the economy.’ [Detroit News, 2/19/10]
3) Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on Health Care Reform:
THEN: 2007: Romney Said That The Massachusetts Plan “Will Be A Model For The Nation.” “During a speech in Baltimore on Feb. 2, 2007, Romney outlined his ambitions for the Massachusetts plan. ‘I’m proud of what we’ve done,’ he said. ‘If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.’ [Newsweek, 4/16/10]
NOW: Romney: Health Care Reform Should Be Left To The States. Romney said, “Number two, it’s best done state by state. Getting everyone insured is very different to do in Massachusetts than it is in Texas.” [MSNBC, 3/3/10]
2) Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”:
THEN: 1994: Romney Supported Allowing Gays And Lesbians “To Serve Openly And Honestly In Our Nation’s Military.” “Clinton’s don’t ask/don’t tell policy on gays in the military is a fine first step, Mitt muses, but must ‘ultimately lead to gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military.’” [Boston Herald, 10/20/94]
NOW: 2006: Romney Said He Supported Maintaining “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Romney: “As for military policy and the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, I trust the counsel of those in uniform who have set these policies over a dozen years ago. I agree with President Bush’s decision to maintain this policy and I would do the same.” [National Review Online, 12/14/06]
1) Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on Aid to the Auto Industry:
THEN: In a 2008 New York Times op-ed, titled “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,” Mitt Romney claimed: “If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”
NOW: The New York Times quotes the spokesman in response to a question about the President’s decision to help automakers: “Mitt Romney had the idea first. You have to acknowledge that. He was advocating for a course of action that eventually the Obama administration adopted.” 

            Mitt Romney On The Patriot Act Bill Tsk Tsk Tsk
"I support tough interrogation techniques, enhanced interrogation techniques, in circumstances where there is a ticking time bomb, a ticking bomb," Romney said. "I do not support torture, but I do support enhanced interrogation techniques to learn from terrorists what we need to learn to keep the bombs from going off."

Romney answered questions about torture during a Republican debate in May but his answers Friday expanded on the issue.

The former Massachusetts governor also praised President Bush for enactment of the Patriot Act. Critics of the law contend that the government has invaded Americans' privacy using the newfound powers of the act, such as the Justice Department's authority on wiretapping.

"Our president, for all the criticism he receives, has kept America safe these last six years, and he has done it by: One pursuing the Patriot Act, which has given us the intelligence information we needed to find out who the bad guys were and get them out before they got us, and No. 2, when al-Qaida was calling America, he made sure someone here was listening," Romney said. "And No. 3 ... when terrorists were detained, were captured, he made sure we interrogated them."  So, basically Romney is saying in the interest of keeping you alive, your right that supercedes all other rights, the government can take away all your other rights, freedoms, and liberties.     

Associated Press

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin     
                                                   If you ask a Mitt Romney supporter why they like him, most of the responses are: He acts/seems/looks Presidential, and he has a Business Background.

If you ask a Herman Cain supporter why they like him, most of the responses are: He has a Business Background, and he isn't a Politician.

If you ask a Rick Perry supporter why they like him, most of the responses are: He is from Texas, and he is a Strong Conservative (which is not true). He worked for the Al Gore campaign.

But, if you ask a Ron Paul supporter why they like him, most of the responses are: Well, he wants to End the Federal Reserve, Limit the Power of Government, Stay out of Undeclared Foreign Wars, He is Pro-Life, He Predicted the Housing Bubble, He believes in the Constitution, He Wants The Gold Standard (Hard Money) Back, He Wants to Eliminate the Departments of Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, and Interior, and he would take a Presidential Salary of just $39,336 (A 90% Pay-Cut).

I think Ron Paul supporters are so dedicated because they actually know what they are getting when they vote for him. Liberty and Principles. Vote For Ron Paul In the Primaries!

   Ron Paul R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution 2012.

Allso Check out my Ammo on Cain and Gingrich @   

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